Episode 1
A History Based YouTube Journey and Introduction to Talk With History
Talk With History was born from a desire to go deeper into the history that continues to impact our lives today.
Scott (the host) and Jenn (the historian) talk about what they have discovered through making a history-based YouTube channel as well as why Jenn thinks more people need to how historians think and research.
In this first episode, they briefly touch on Walk With History’s most popular YouTube video to date, and what that experience has been like.
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Talk with History is a global Top 50 History podcast on Feedspot!
Speaker:is that the one that you liked from like
Speaker:yeah the one that sounds like National
Speaker:Treasure yeah
Speaker:okay so this is the Taco History Podcast
Speaker:yes so this is our very first one and
Speaker:this is an introduction yeah uh so my
Speaker:name is Scott I will be the host of this
Speaker:podcast and my name is Jen your name is
Speaker:Jen Jen tell us who you are
Speaker:I am the host of walk with history on
Speaker:YouTube and this talk with history will
Speaker:be more of a
Speaker:personal in-depth look to those episodes
Speaker:so we will talk about
Speaker:just the research and the thought
Speaker:process and the history that goes into
Speaker:making each of those videos Okay
Speaker:um now tell us about yourself so I'll
Speaker:introduce myself since I'm the host yes
Speaker:uh Scott I am from California I'm a
Speaker:California Kid
Speaker:and if people don't know already you and
Speaker:I are husband and wife yes
Speaker:so um 15 years 15 years we got married
Speaker:15 years 15 short years ago almost 15
Speaker:years you don't even know hey I'm the
Speaker:one who remembers when our anniversary
Speaker:is and the year that we got married
Speaker:um so I'm I'm the host I work with you
Speaker:on the walk with history YouTube channel
Speaker:I would say work with you but I do I'll
Speaker:just go ahead and say that I do the
Speaker:heavy lifting when it comes to the
Speaker:production side yeah I will tell
Speaker:everybody here that Jen does all the
Speaker:research all the outlines
Speaker:she finds the topics she basically she
Speaker:finds and seeks out the content
Speaker:and I do all the basically the back end
Speaker:stuff so we've actually made a really
Speaker:good team and I joke with a lot of
Speaker:people and then I will turn it over to
Speaker:you that we finally found something
Speaker:after 14 years and change that we enjoy
Speaker:doing together yes and that is the that
Speaker:is the Walk of History YouTube channel
Speaker:so after that we've
Speaker:been doing we're coming up on 30
Speaker:episodes here yes
Speaker:for the walk with history
Speaker:and we decided to start talk with
Speaker:history so you just mentioned a little
Speaker:bit about what talk with history is
Speaker:going to be about who are you tell tell
Speaker:someone who hasn't seen walk with
Speaker:history who you are where you're from in
Speaker:your background absolutely
Speaker:so I am Jennifer I am a veteran
Speaker:so I was in the U.S military for almost
Speaker:eight years
Speaker:and I was a Naval aviator you'll
Speaker:probably hear me say that a lot it's a
Speaker:running joke
Speaker:um because Pilots like to tell people
Speaker:that they're Pilots I flew helicopters
Speaker:in the Navy and
Speaker:after I got out of the Navy I decided to
Speaker:go back to school and I used the GI Bill
Speaker:the post 911 GI Bill and I got a
Speaker:master's degree of American history from
Speaker:the University of Memphis and I got a
Speaker:graduate certificate in museum studies
Speaker:from the University of Memphis
Speaker:but being in a military family we move
Speaker:around a lot so it's hard to find a job
Speaker:that's kind of stationary and once covet
Speaker:I started watching a lot of YouTube
Speaker:about history and I was noticing that
Speaker:people just
Speaker:were barely scratching the surface of
Speaker:some things and they weren't giving
Speaker:they were showing some information some
Speaker:locations but weren't really relaying on
Speaker:why that would matter to me or what was
Speaker:interesting to maybe the viewer
Speaker:so I thought and I brought it up to you
Speaker:what if I did a YouTube channel what if
Speaker:we started a YouTube channel and we
Speaker:could go to the historic places and
Speaker:locations and talk about their impact of
Speaker:history and history makers and the
Speaker:influence people will feel from them
Speaker:today that they might not even notice or
Speaker:what has what these people did that
Speaker:actually changed the course of history
Speaker:and just kind of make it fun and
Speaker:because history can be fun
Speaker:and just try to connect it to today to
Speaker:have a better future for people so
Speaker:that's who I am it's what I what we do
Speaker:and I really enjoy it yeah so I joke all
Speaker:the time and this is for anyone who
Speaker:doesn't know us but I joke all the time
Speaker:to Jen that she's a 65 year old person
Speaker:trapped in a smoking hot 40 year old
Speaker:body I think so and uh and to to those
Speaker:listening who are curious about this
Speaker:this podcast
Speaker:um I am not a history fan like you are
Speaker:but one of the things that I've learned
Speaker:that you've taught me is that all this
Speaker:stuff that I learned in high school
Speaker:there's a whole lot more to it all the
Speaker:stuff that I learned in college there's
Speaker:a whole lot more to it and I have grown
Speaker:to become more interested
Speaker:in these interesting tidbits that you
Speaker:pull out because the one thing that I
Speaker:will say that you do well on the walk
Speaker:with history YouTube channel and I think
Speaker:that you'll go in more depth here
Speaker:because you do a great job of talking
Speaker:about the impact
Speaker:of a historical event that we've all
Speaker:heard of and how that has impacted our
Speaker:lives and continues to impact our lives
Speaker:today so I'm I'm excited to
Speaker:continue to let you kind of dive deeper
Speaker:into those walks with history because on
Speaker:a YouTube channel on a 15 minute video
Speaker:there's a lot of information that we
Speaker:just can't get all in and so this is the
Speaker:podcast for someone who wants to dive a
Speaker:little bit deeper I think yeah
Speaker:absolutely I think
Speaker:you saw the
Speaker:example of that come to fruition with
Speaker:our Arlington video because I had really
Speaker:stressed that I wanted to go to
Speaker:Arlington and film Maureen O'Hara's
Speaker:grave and I think at first you weren't
Speaker:even sure who Maureen O'Hara was and I
Speaker:had to kind of explain who she was and I
Speaker:was just so excited about her I had
Speaker:grown up with John Wayne movies and we
Speaker:had actually at one time gone to Ireland
Speaker:and we had gone to Kong Ireland where
Speaker:they filmed The Quiet Man and I
Speaker:basically drug you all around Ashford
Speaker:castle and where they filmed The Quiet
Speaker:Man and the cottage and it was such a
Speaker:great experience and I know you liked it
Speaker:after we were there
Speaker:and Maureen O'Hara is actually buried in
Speaker:Arlington and most people don't know
Speaker:that because her husband was a brigadier
Speaker:general and he was a pilot
Speaker:and he had died and you if your spouse
Speaker:of someone who is buried in Arlington
Speaker:then you can be buried in Arlington and
Speaker:she she always wants to be buried there
Speaker:with him and she passed recently I'd say
Speaker:in the last three to five years and I
Speaker:had tried to find someone going to her
Speaker:grave in Arlington and there was nothing
Speaker:on YouTube about her so I wondered if
Speaker:people even knew she was there so I had
Speaker:really stressed to you that I wanted to
Speaker:do that video and you really you weren't
Speaker:sure you were kind of like okay and and
Speaker:then when I did it that video was the
Speaker:one for us that has really taken off had
Speaker:a lot of viewers and I'm really thankful
Speaker:since I have done it more people have
Speaker:filmed her grave at Arlington but I
Speaker:think we do a really good job of
Speaker:telling people who she was especially in
Speaker:reference to John Wayne and because she
Speaker:was one of his biggest co-stars and who
Speaker:she was just as an actress and so I
Speaker:those are the things I try to relay
Speaker:movies that she did and Leading Men that
Speaker:she had worked with and then people and
Speaker:I I also you know I tell people how she
Speaker:was with Lucy the first time she met
Speaker:Desi Arnaz so just Lucio ball Lucille
Speaker:Ball yeah yes so those are the kind of
Speaker:things I try to connect for people that
Speaker:that these stars are kind of all
Speaker:influencing each other and working
Speaker:together and building
Speaker:that part of you know media together but
Speaker:yeah mourin O'Hara I know Scott is
Speaker:coming to realize a little more but
Speaker:she's a big deal she's a big deal when
Speaker:it comes to movies and I'm a I'm a big
Speaker:Turner Classic Movie fan and I've gone
Speaker:to the Turner Classic Movies weekends in
Speaker:La when we lived in California
Speaker:and she's a big she's a big star to
Speaker:people who like Classic Movies so I was
Speaker:proud and privileged to have showcased
Speaker:her grave at Arlington and that's still
Speaker:to this day is our biggest video on
Speaker:YouTube yeah that was uh one of the
Speaker:surprising things for me was that you
Speaker:know it took I think three or four weeks
Speaker:and then all of a sudden we just started
Speaker:getting like hundreds and hundreds and
Speaker:hundreds and thousands of views and that
Speaker:that video is at close to 50 000 views
Speaker:now yes
Speaker:um so for a brand new YouTube channel
Speaker:that was that was pretty exciting that
Speaker:that was someone I've been doing YouTube
Speaker:videos for a few years just kind of for
Speaker:family stuff and things like that but
Speaker:um one of the other things
Speaker:for walk with history and talk with
Speaker:history is when you find a niche that's
Speaker:interesting that people are interested
Speaker:in that you're passionate about and
Speaker:that's what excited me about this about
Speaker:not only the YouTube channel now doing a
Speaker:podcast and us getting to to talk more
Speaker:about it you getting to talk more about
Speaker:it because there might be people out
Speaker:there who want to hear more about the
Speaker:video but there also might be people out
Speaker:there who don't watch YouTube as much
Speaker:and they do lots of podcasts yeah so
Speaker:um I think this is an exciting
Speaker:opportunity for us and I'm happy that we
Speaker:get to to start this yeah start this
Speaker:together it'll be really great I think
Speaker:this will be good for anyone who you
Speaker:don't have to watch the walk with
Speaker:history videos if you just want to hear
Speaker:about what it
Speaker:how a historian is thinking and how our
Speaker:historian is trying to give you the
Speaker:in the most researched
Speaker:I wouldn't say non-biased because you
Speaker:always have to be aware of your personal
Speaker:bias but you're trying to do all the
Speaker:research and cover all the bases and
Speaker:present all the facts that are out there
Speaker:and try not to have an agenda when you
Speaker:present the facts just present the facts
Speaker:and The Listener or the viewer can
Speaker:decide for themselves
Speaker:I do believe my subscribers and my
Speaker:audience are
Speaker:educated and smart people and they can
Speaker:decide for themselves how they feel
Speaker:about something I'll just give them the
Speaker:information and I think a good historian
Speaker:does that I'm not trying to hide
Speaker:something from you so you think one way
Speaker:or another I'm trying to give it all to
Speaker:you so you understand who this person
Speaker:was and or this event was
Speaker:and then it's entirety because I think
Speaker:that is how I build trust and how you'll
Speaker:come to
Speaker:just know that the information I'm
Speaker:giving you is reliable
Speaker:yep yep so I think um again so this
Speaker:podcast is really a couple things right
Speaker:it's a little bit of behind the scenes
Speaker:of walk with history how do we get there
Speaker:interesting things we saw there that
Speaker:weren't really relevant to the video
Speaker:what it was like driving around in the
Speaker:Mississippi Delta trying to find
Speaker:different historical sites so it's
Speaker:behind the scenes it is a deeper dive
Speaker:into some of those videos if you watch
Speaker:the videos and you've come here to the
Speaker:and it's also what you said about
Speaker:talking about how historians think and
Speaker:research and how they try to remove like
Speaker:you said their personal bias so I think
Speaker:those three things for those anyone
Speaker:if you're interested in that kind of
Speaker:stuff behind the scenes videos of how to
Speaker:how to film
Speaker:videos like this on YouTube
Speaker:for research based insight into these
Speaker:historical events as well as how a
Speaker:historian thinks researches and what you
Speaker:think as a historian I think this is the
Speaker:podcast for for you the listener so
Speaker:yeah thank you again for those who
Speaker:downloaded and listened please feel free
Speaker:to kind of continue to subscribe in
Speaker:whatever podcast player that you guys
Speaker:are using yes and we will talk to you
Speaker:guys next week yes thank you thank you