Episode 19
Top Tips for Visiting Colonial Williamsburg
Colonial Williamsburg is a historian's Disneyland...so you shouldn't be surprised that Jenn has been there over a dozen times in the 9 months we have lived in Virginia.
We give you all the insider advice to make your first visit easier; including, where to park, where to eat (that isn't crowded), how to know what is open, the best place to buy tickets...and more!
🚕 Google Map to best parking at Colonial Williamsburg
🎥 Tops Tips for your Colonial Williamsburg Tour
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Speaker:I'm gonna start playing the music
Speaker:because the music is awesome
Speaker:greetings and welcome to the topic
Speaker:History Podcast I am your host Scott
Speaker:here with my wife in historian gem hello
Speaker:on this podcast we talk about history's
Speaker:continuing impact on us and our personal
Speaker:journey through YouTube as we continue
Speaker:to explore record and share our history
Speaker:walks with you
Speaker:now before we get into our main topic I
Speaker:want to ask for some five star reviews
Speaker:last week we had a great review that I
Speaker:got to read from not sleepy girl
Speaker:Apple podcast reviews help the show grow
Speaker:if you don't have an Apple device you
Speaker:can ask us questions over on Twitter at
Speaker:talk with history or reach out to us
Speaker:through our website at talk with
Speaker:history.com and don't forget to check
Speaker:out our other podcast the history Buzz
Speaker:where we interview folks while chatting
Speaker:over about history over a couple of
Speaker:drinks and we let the conversation
Speaker:wander where it may
Speaker:last week we talked about the history of
Speaker:Colonial Williamsburg and the town's
Speaker:path from being one of the birthplaces
Speaker:of our nation to today's tourist draw
Speaker:but if you've never visited there it can
Speaker:be a bit intimidating to know where to
Speaker:go and what all there is to do so today
Speaker:we are going to teach you what we have
Speaker:learned and over a dozen different trips
Speaker:to this historic playground so Jen give
Speaker:me the inside scoop on what people need
Speaker:to do at Williamsburg
Speaker:are things that we learned as first
Speaker:timers that I wouldn't do again and so I
Speaker:just wanted to give recommendations to
Speaker:people especially if you're on your way
Speaker:to Colonial Williamsburg right now where
Speaker:should I go where should I park
Speaker:GPS is going to take you to the visitor
Speaker:center yes which is where we start off
Speaker:with the video I'll put the video in the
Speaker:in the in the description and The
Speaker:Visitor Center is great I would say it's
Speaker:great for two things one the gift shop
Speaker:yep they have the biggest and best gift
Speaker:shops there two the amount of ticket
Speaker:people available to you so they have
Speaker:about eight which is great because the
Speaker:ticket place in actual Colonial
Speaker:Williamsburg is like two people that
Speaker:work at a snail's pace it takes forever
Speaker:it takes forever so if you're looking to
Speaker:get something that sells out quickly
Speaker:like carriage rides I would recommend
Speaker:you go to the visitor center and get
Speaker:your carriage ride yeah don't get me
Speaker:started on the carriage rides I know
Speaker:but it is not the place to be to get to
Speaker:Colonial Williamsburg to be in the heart
Speaker:of everything okay because it's a hike
Speaker:it's a walk and they have shuttle buses
Speaker:if you want to ride a shuttle bus
Speaker:and you can park there and I would say
Speaker:they have a lot of parking there so if
Speaker:you had a bigger vehicle or an RV it
Speaker:might be the better place to park
Speaker:we found the better place to park that
Speaker:also has a lot of parking it's free and
Speaker:it's free and it's open is at the
Speaker:Rockefeller folk art museum so as I
Speaker:talked about in the previous
Speaker:podcast The Rockefellers were the
Speaker:philanthropists that funded the the
Speaker:Resurgence of Colonial Williamsburg and
Speaker:part of it is a
Speaker:folk art museum that's named for um John
Speaker:D Rockefeller Jr's wife Abby Rockefeller
Speaker:so Abby Rockefeller folk art museum is
Speaker:what you want to put in your GPS and
Speaker:that's where you want to park it's free
Speaker:you don't have to pay for it a little
Speaker:bit closer to Colonial Williamsburg I'd
Speaker:say a block closer you will pay but to
Speaker:walk one block yeah park it you
Speaker:basically Park in this parking lot you
Speaker:walk by this Museum on the way and then
Speaker:and then you're a block down and you are
Speaker:and you're right there you're right on
Speaker:Duke now the one thing I will say
Speaker:um on a separate video we showed this
Speaker:kind of like our behind the scenes video
Speaker:was there was that cool walkway
Speaker:yeah so the one cool thing about walking
Speaker:from the visitor center to Colonial
Speaker:they break up that long walk with kind
Speaker:of walking you back through time yeah
Speaker:that was that was actually kind of neat
Speaker:so there's this bridge there's this
Speaker:walkway slash bridge and there's markers
Speaker:there's like plaques in the ground and
Speaker:it says hey okay it's 1990 this was on
Speaker:TV it's 1960 you know and then all of a
Speaker:sudden it starts the color television
Speaker:right it starts jumping back in time
Speaker:1920 William just women just lost their
Speaker:right to vote yeah it's it's like as you
Speaker:walk back what are you losing yeah and
Speaker:one of the cool ones that stuck out in
Speaker:my mind was like sometime in the 1800s
Speaker:you can you know most people can't
Speaker:travel more than so many miles per day
Speaker:over land Stagecoach right so it's
Speaker:giving you
Speaker:as you're losing your modernization
Speaker:trying to take you to back in time that
Speaker:that piece was was pretty neat if you
Speaker:don't really care about that go park go
Speaker:go watch our video and park over by that
Speaker:it would be a I mean it's a good work
Speaker:workout regardless to walk Colonial
Speaker:Williamsburg you can rent scooters if
Speaker:you have people who need the added like
Speaker:the little wheelchairs yes you could
Speaker:probably rent those in town I have seen
Speaker:advertisements for those
Speaker:but it is a walking place it is the Duke
Speaker:of glossier is a Long Street and one
Speaker:done of it is the Capitol Building at
Speaker:the other end of it is the College of
Speaker:William and Mary and then from that
Speaker:spans off the palace green which has the
Speaker:governor's Palace right across from that
Speaker:green is the ticket office so that's
Speaker:where the carriage rides will also start
Speaker:as well so you'll see people gathering
Speaker:over there and you'll see carriages over
Speaker:there now tickets you're probably like
Speaker:what do I need tickets for if you want
Speaker:to go into any place and engage with the
Speaker:people you need a ticket and usually
Speaker:they're marked if they're open with a
Speaker:colonial flag so the colonial flags will
Speaker:be in front of buildings because not
Speaker:every building is open every day
Speaker:on the weekends I would say most of them
Speaker:are but yeah in the in the Prime in the
Speaker:summertime in the prime time but if you
Speaker:like the with house it's it's always
Speaker:open there's certain things it's not
Speaker:always open but when you see the flag in
Speaker:front it's open but you will need a
Speaker:ticket to go inside yeah and and so the
Speaker:so going inside right and why do you
Speaker:want to buy a ticket to go inside well
Speaker:they actually give you a tour right
Speaker:they're actually walking you through and
Speaker:you can ask tons of questions and you
Speaker:can ask tons of questions sometimes they
Speaker:have who is the guy that we ran into in
Speaker:one of our more recent visits did he he
Speaker:was going to play George Washington but
Speaker:he was playing something someone else so
Speaker:we went to a Tavern yeah and he yes he
Speaker:he was going to play George Washington
Speaker:he played the tavern owner yeah but but
Speaker:he was one of kind of the tour guides
Speaker:slash Tavern owner exactly right and to
Speaker:in order to get the tour through that
Speaker:particular Tavern and learn about the
Speaker:kind of cool historical things you'd
Speaker:have to have a ticket or you buy a
Speaker:season pass like we did so it's just a
Speaker:day ticket you don't need specific
Speaker:tickets to go into these specific
Speaker:buildings okay all right I stand
Speaker:corrected there
Speaker:um and or you can buy a week ticket or
Speaker:you can buy season passes like us okay
Speaker:but what it does is it gets you into
Speaker:those buildings that are part of the
Speaker:daily tour building now there's special
Speaker:tickets carriage rides is special on top
Speaker:of that the haunted Williamsburg tours
Speaker:are special on top of that they will
Speaker:always specify if this is
Speaker:an added cost or an added ticket so but
Speaker:to get into the regular tours the
Speaker:regular buildings
Speaker:with the flags in front that you're
Speaker:going to need a ticket for that now
Speaker:there are things to do without tickets
Speaker:and we we show that so there's a maze
Speaker:behind the palace that the it's like a
Speaker:little garden made it's awesome Hedges
Speaker:it's not it's nothing crazy but it's
Speaker:it's big enough for kids to run around
Speaker:and they love it and you wouldn't know
Speaker:it was there unless somebody told you
Speaker:and I remember we had walked back there
Speaker:and someone said are you going to the
Speaker:Maze and we're like What said my kids
Speaker:got all excited and we ran back there to
Speaker:the Maze and then any gift shop along
Speaker:duka glosher it's free to go inside the
Speaker:gift shops of course they want to take
Speaker:your money so it's free to go in those
Speaker:but again if you want to go in and talk
Speaker:to the Apothecary or you want to talk to
Speaker:the wig maker or you want to go inside
Speaker:the palace that's the tour ticket but
Speaker:another cool thing to see that's free is
Speaker:the the goal or the jail oh yes and
Speaker:that's where they held the Pirates
Speaker:Blackbeard's Pirates yeah we have it we
Speaker:have a separate video a separate video
Speaker:on that so that one was neat because I
Speaker:didn't realize like you hear about
Speaker:and you think Blackbeard you kind of
Speaker:think the Caribbean you think all that
Speaker:stuff but like he got caught in North
Speaker:Carolina in North Carolina not far from
Speaker:Williamsburg right and and so and if I
Speaker:remember correctly he was killed and
Speaker:they were trying to take him yeah and
Speaker:his but they captured like 15 of his
Speaker:crew and brought him back they brought
Speaker:him back to Williamsburg right they like
Speaker:we were standing in the jail cells where
Speaker:Blackbeard's crew right you know there's
Speaker:like chains on the walls like so like
Speaker:you know think of uh Pirates of the
Speaker:Caribbean you know they did the Disney
Speaker:ride you know although a lot less
Speaker:glamorous and uh so that's free yeah so
Speaker:those are those certain things that you
Speaker:can do that don't cost anything and you
Speaker:can walk around and just talk to people
Speaker:and engage with people and they'll have
Speaker:sometimes demonstrations or again
Speaker:historical characters can be walking
Speaker:do you have to like when we went and saw
Speaker:Martha Washington kind of do her her
Speaker:one-man act right because sometimes they
Speaker:have you know those historic characters
Speaker:or they have multiple ones like there's
Speaker:that kind of theater sitting area do you
Speaker:have to have a ticket for that
Speaker:I have a ticket for okay so there was
Speaker:someone standing there who kind of
Speaker:looked at our passes
Speaker:that that was amazing I was super
Speaker:impressed and surprise just
Speaker:flat-footed surprise so those are the
Speaker:other events when you get to Colonial
Speaker:Williamsburg or you check on your phone
Speaker:they'll have a list of events for the
Speaker:day or week or month and if they have
Speaker:any character talks I recommend going so
Speaker:usually they'll have Thomas Jefferson
Speaker:usually they'll have Martha Washington
Speaker:and usually they'll have George
Speaker:Washington those are the ones they
Speaker:usually have the most of because those
Speaker:people were so Pinnacle to Colonial
Speaker:Williamsburg and we went to Martha
Speaker:Washington and she was fantastic so not
Speaker:only I was so impressed they dressed
Speaker:they stay in character she talked about
Speaker:what it was like being the first first
Speaker:lady yeah and so the time period for
Speaker:when she like she was acting was a year
Speaker:into George Washington's presidency or
Speaker:two years or something like that yeah
Speaker:something was two years into his into
Speaker:his first term first term and how they
Speaker:didn't know what to do with the first
Speaker:lady and they didn't really have and
Speaker:they were New York they were in New York
Speaker:and they didn't have any protocol for
Speaker:her and they didn't have any budget for
Speaker:her to like furnish the the
Speaker:president's mansion and because it
Speaker:wasn't the White House then and so
Speaker:basically what she had to just kind of
Speaker:make do with and figure out and then but
Speaker:they did expect a lot of her they expect
Speaker:her to host all these dinners and
Speaker:expected her to host all these teams she
Speaker:said like I think she said like the
Speaker:first dinner they were hosting was like
Speaker:three days after they got to New York or
Speaker:something like that so she had to set
Speaker:all this stuff up you know so she she
Speaker:the acting was fantastic I was so
Speaker:surprised and then she took questions so
Speaker:she's ready to answer questions which
Speaker:means you know she has that knowledge
Speaker:she has that historical and again she I
Speaker:mean she did she tried to answer any kid
Speaker:questions she was ready for all the
Speaker:Hamilton questions right there was tons
Speaker:of Hamilton questions but she just she
Speaker:was great she answered them in stride I
Speaker:was so surprised at how good she was
Speaker:like seeing her I would actually go see
Speaker:more characters if I'm if I was there
Speaker:again yeah and I hear they have ones
Speaker:with Thomas Jefferson just contemplating
Speaker:what to write in the Declaration of
Speaker:Independence and you know George
Speaker:Washington is contemplating how to
Speaker:be the president of a country not
Speaker:knowing what you know just the first one
Speaker:to do it all so you're setting all this
Speaker:precedence so it's a bunch of the that
Speaker:kind of thought process and pondering
Speaker:and stuff so definitely I would
Speaker:recommend those they do plays from time
Speaker:to time I saw a play there okay and that
Speaker:also requires a ticket but it's not
Speaker:above and beyond your cost and you can
Speaker:see them act out at play that would be
Speaker:of from the time and that was really fun
Speaker:as well
Speaker:now now some other tips you know I'll
Speaker:talk about real quick as far as like
Speaker:eating there yeah so we did The Tavern
Speaker:we did King's arm Tavern and that was
Speaker:just that King's arm is definitely more
Speaker:of an adult you know you need to
Speaker:probably make reservations for that and
Speaker:it's going to be expensive it was cool
Speaker:but it's historic they will serve you
Speaker:the food that they ate at the time
Speaker:they'll tell you all about whatever
Speaker:you're eating they will and they'll give
Speaker:you a lesson in like your napkin yep
Speaker:they put the napkin on me how long it is
Speaker:and why it's this long and and then kind
Speaker:of stuff that you're drinking and what
Speaker:would they drink and some of the little
Speaker:appetizers like the relishes and stuff
Speaker:things that would basically be preserved
Speaker:for long periods of time but I would
Speaker:recommend a Tavern again reservations
Speaker:and expect to spend some money yeah I
Speaker:mean if you're if you're bringing your
Speaker:um you actually can't eat in the the
Speaker:museum so that's a good tip that's it
Speaker:that's not a lot of people know about
Speaker:yeah around lunchtime it's gonna get
Speaker:crowded especially down at the end of
Speaker:Duke of glossier or opposite of the
Speaker:capital close to William and Mary is
Speaker:where you're going to have all the food
Speaker:shops and it gets packed it gets packed
Speaker:so you have like you know the Mellow
Speaker:Mushroom pizza and you're gonna have
Speaker:things like quick little Eatery kind of
Speaker:things and it's packed hour wait two
Speaker:hour wait but the museum has a food
Speaker:court yeah so if you just go back to
Speaker:where you parked by the museum and you
Speaker:don't have to pay to go in the museum if
Speaker:you just you go because it's like is it
Speaker:downstairs like oh you go in and it's
Speaker:like it's right up front yeah it's right
Speaker:up front and you just say I'm going to
Speaker:go eat at the food court they let you
Speaker:right in now usually with your ticket
Speaker:you can get into the museum for free
Speaker:anyway that's a great museum it's a
Speaker:great museum and if you have kids with
Speaker:you they give you kind of a scavenger
Speaker:hunt so it's fun for kids to do as well
Speaker:so another tip if you have little ones
Speaker:with you but you can eat there they have
Speaker:salads there they have sandwiches there
Speaker:they have drinks there we've done that
Speaker:once or twice and it's just easy hardly
Speaker:any line and you can it's a great view
Speaker:it's cheaper and it's this much cheaper
Speaker:yeah so that's a great tip if you're
Speaker:looking for a place to eat
Speaker:there's also see oh honey tours oh
Speaker:so you could pay they and I think they
Speaker:do these pretty much every night because
Speaker:they're so fun but they do it by Lantern
Speaker:and they take you from house to house
Speaker:and and they also have like
Speaker:so so again I'll I'll paint a picture of
Speaker:Colonial Williamsburg for for those who
Speaker:haven't been there right if there's the
Speaker:main drag
Speaker:and you know this it's some Cobblestone
Speaker:and this that and the other yes the
Speaker:Blaster is the big street that's the big
Speaker:street and then kind of what tees off of
Speaker:it is what goes down towards the power
Speaker:um and then you've got all these little
Speaker:things that you can do off you know off
Speaker:of each kind of side street and this
Speaker:that the other
Speaker:um so the palace green is like this
Speaker:really it's a gorgeous kind of it's what
Speaker:it sounds like it's like a big green
Speaker:it's like a big lawn almost like a like
Speaker:I would almost call it a field except
Speaker:that it's between a bunch of buildings
Speaker:and so the kids love running around
Speaker:there but at night time when we do these
Speaker:we you and I went to go do a ghost tour
Speaker:so all around kind of where the palace
Speaker:green is there's like these like torch
Speaker:kind of little Lantern things and they
Speaker:actually light them and they're and
Speaker:they're they're lit and it's like it's
Speaker:real flame it's just kind of sitting out
Speaker:there and so you have all these cool it
Speaker:gives like it's such a colonial feel
Speaker:it's so it was so neat and I and I'll be
Speaker:perfectly honest I was a little bored
Speaker:during the ghost tour because uh it's
Speaker:not really my cup of tea but you love
Speaker:that stuff well I love the history
Speaker:behind it so we learned so much about
Speaker:George with on that tour because they
Speaker:got us they got to give you the setting
Speaker:right they got to set the stage for you
Speaker:so you learn all about the historical
Speaker:figure who lived in the house and what
Speaker:was the conflict and what's the story
Speaker:now but I just love because you're
Speaker:getting a big part of history and it's
Speaker:funny and I don't think I told you this
Speaker:was I don't think I realized until we
Speaker:went to do the George with ghost ghost
Speaker:tour that that's the reason you like
Speaker:ghost tours too much so much it's for
Speaker:the history yes
Speaker:I just I never I never can I never
Speaker:connected that I was like the reason you
Speaker:like ghost tour so much is because it's
Speaker:history not because of the ghost but
Speaker:because of the history that comes with
Speaker:every think about any like if you're
Speaker:listening think about a ghost story you
Speaker:know if you've ever been to London and
Speaker:done a Jack of repertoire or you know
Speaker:things like that think about how they
Speaker:set these ghost tours up yes it's all
Speaker:history it's all history they're telling
Speaker:you about here's what's going on and now
Speaker:they kind of embellish a smidge and they
Speaker:kind of set the time but they're telling
Speaker:you the history and then they're telling
Speaker:you about like you know the other
Speaker:worldly experiences and the lights and
Speaker:you know whatever yeah so so those are
Speaker:absolutely fun and then of course you'll
Speaker:pay extra if you want to do a carriage
Speaker:ride and we did a carriage ride so I
Speaker:know if you're gonna do it I'm gonna
Speaker:tell this part of the carriage ride
Speaker:story here Jen so for those listening
Speaker:for the husbands right if you're
Speaker:significant other wants to do a carriage
Speaker:so if if you can do it I believe you can
Speaker:buy carriage ride tickets at the visitor
Speaker:center yes yes so I would actually
Speaker:recommend that now we ended up buying
Speaker:tickets at the um was it the lumber
Speaker:house the lumber house so we which is
Speaker:kind of the other ticket spot it's right
Speaker:on the main drag it's it's pretty
Speaker:obvious it's where all the carriage
Speaker:rides start but you cannot get carriage
Speaker:ride tickets
Speaker:probably 30 minutes after they open
Speaker:I stood in line for an hour and we still
Speaker:almost missed a spot I know there was
Speaker:the guy in front of me
Speaker:uh or he was like three or four people
Speaker:in front of me he was there for like two
Speaker:hours just standing there just to be
Speaker:just just to get a carriage right to be
Speaker:the first person to spend I don't know
Speaker:what it was we we had a discount because
Speaker:we had our our season passes it was like
Speaker:60 bucks or something like that
Speaker:um but he was standing in line for two
Speaker:hours and he was lucky to get one of the
Speaker:morning spots
Speaker:you know so I had a feeling because what
Speaker:they they told us now this is what the
Speaker:Williamsburg again told us that as we
Speaker:checked in they're like oh yeah they
Speaker:sell the tickets here at this Lumber
Speaker:house first for the carriage rides and
Speaker:then they sell them at the visitor
Speaker:center there's no way that's true no
Speaker:because as we were buying that many
Speaker:people as as we were buying tickets
Speaker:they're like oh yeah these things are
Speaker:like they're you know that spot just
Speaker:went that spot that spot just went I was
Speaker:like what do you mean this you guys have
Speaker:been open for all of 15 minutes
Speaker:and all the spots were almost gone yes
Speaker:so but it was pretty cool it was pretty
Speaker:cool so I recommend we had an open
Speaker:Carriage I recommend the open Carriage
Speaker:because it's so much easier to look
Speaker:around and see the sights I also
Speaker:recommend you'll if someone's in
Speaker:colonial dress and part of Colonial
Speaker:Williamsburg they'll engage with you on
Speaker:your Carriage yeah yeah as you're as
Speaker:you're kind of encouraging by they'll
Speaker:stop at the bow to you which is a
Speaker:greeting which is a you know it is a
Speaker:colonial greeting of because you were
Speaker:wearing your like fancy clothes yeah so
Speaker:I I bowed too like I gave a nod so it's
Speaker:fun that's fun to do do you have the
Speaker:closed carriages which are also cool but
Speaker:I think if you really want to look
Speaker:around and see the scenery there are
Speaker:characters that are bigger ours was
Speaker:probably like a four person those are
Speaker:there are characters that will be like
Speaker:eight people or ten people so I know
Speaker:people will specifically ask for those
Speaker:so just be aware if you want one of
Speaker:those be there early I recommend the
Speaker:visitor center yeah and you can't buy
Speaker:them in advance you have to buy them day
Speaker:of it's um I'll be perfect class that
Speaker:was kind of like my one of my least
Speaker:favorite experiences of just buying the
Speaker:tickets I was also hungry and cold and I
Speaker:stood there for an hour and but it was
Speaker:our anniversary I was like I was I was
Speaker:ready to bite someone's head off by the
Speaker:time I brought him coffee when he
Speaker:brought coffee and I was like you you
Speaker:taught you asked me like how I was doing
Speaker:and I just didn't say anything I was not
Speaker:having it
Speaker:but so eating that was one of the things
Speaker:when we stayed at the Colonial House the
Speaker:Lewis house the Lewis house through the
Speaker:Colonial Williamsburg and you can stay
Speaker:in colonial houses eating is something
Speaker:you would be where do you do breakfast
Speaker:where do you do dinner so you can always
Speaker:eat at the Colonial Williamsburg Inn
Speaker:they we had a great dinner there did it
Speaker:was very nice but it's kind of off the
Speaker:beaten path a little bit it's not on the
Speaker:main drag it's a little pricier it's a
Speaker:little pricier so if you want to go into
Speaker:town and it's I say into town Loosely
Speaker:but the this is closer to William and
Speaker:Mary down Duke of glossier there's some
Speaker:great little breakfast places there that
Speaker:you can eat and there's like I've said
Speaker:the pizza place is there there's also a
Speaker:really great candy store we always go to
Speaker:yeah we get like gummies and they have
Speaker:chocolate covered everything and of
Speaker:course there was a Scottish store there
Speaker:yeah and we love that store so they have
Speaker:a bunch of different tartans in there
Speaker:they have things that are made of wool
Speaker:and sweaters so that's a very cool shop
Speaker:to go in as well yeah so I would say
Speaker:right if you're gonna Target you know
Speaker:I'll give you breakfast you know the the
Speaker:person listening I'll give you breakfast
Speaker:lunch and dinner recommendations for
Speaker:that little downtown spot because
Speaker:there's quite a few places to eat down
Speaker:there but they're pretty separate right
Speaker:so if you're looking at breakfast we
Speaker:actually went to what's called Aromas
Speaker:a-r-o-a-r-o-m-a-s and it's kind of
Speaker:around the corner right but it's not far
Speaker:you put it in your phone you can find it
Speaker:you know and it's it's not a short short
Speaker:walk but great breakfast spot we ate
Speaker:there twice it was it was really really
Speaker:good there's another place that was
Speaker:closer to the main drag but it's more of
Speaker:like a bakery type place
Speaker:um you know some pre-prepared stuff not
Speaker:like they're not gonna make your
Speaker:pancakes right there
Speaker:and then uh if you're doing lunch so you
Speaker:mentioned the Mellow Mushroom
Speaker:um that pizza pizza joint again not too
Speaker:far away and there's actually other
Speaker:places to eat in that same little
Speaker:um so I they do like drinks and stuff
Speaker:like that wineries that's kind of a big
Speaker:deal so that was the other place that we
Speaker:ate on our anniversary night was the fat
Speaker:Canary and that's kind of one of the
Speaker:nicer places down there nice places it's
Speaker:a nice place you need you're going to
Speaker:need reservations most likely
Speaker:um and they also have like a wine cellar
Speaker:type Place downstairs
Speaker:really good food I mean and they had it
Speaker:all set up right for when we went there
Speaker:for our anniversary and like I got some
Speaker:major husband points when I when I got
Speaker:that set up
Speaker:um fat Canary is great if you can make
Speaker:reservations advance I would not say
Speaker:that fat Canary is for kids but the
Speaker:Mellow Mushroom Aromas you know so
Speaker:there's some there's some family spots
Speaker:there and to be perfectly honest like if
Speaker:you want to get slightly outside of just
Speaker:like the core Colonial Williamsburg I
Speaker:mean there's a whole City around you yes
Speaker:it's a modern city so you have
Speaker:everything available to you there as
Speaker:you're walking down the street if you're
Speaker:curious about the houses is it original
Speaker:building is it restored every house has
Speaker:a placard on it yeah and so you'll be
Speaker:able to see the history of that house
Speaker:was it who lived there what did they do
Speaker:you know what how long it was it was
Speaker:occupied that kind of thing so again
Speaker:those are kind of things if you're
Speaker:curious they've done a really really
Speaker:great job of giving that information to
Speaker:you pretty much every house even off the
Speaker:main drag every house it's in that 300
Speaker:area has that little placard on it yeah
Speaker:and again not only is there stuff for
Speaker:the adults to kind of look and see if
Speaker:they're interested because kids they're
Speaker:not going to go read the placards right
Speaker:but they will engage with the blacksmith
Speaker:yes right or they will engage with what
Speaker:was the the little red car the wood
Speaker:carver or the weapons area right I mean
Speaker:there's we talked to one of her friends
Speaker:is it Greg who said he was like hanging
Speaker:out the Army for like an hour yeah you
Speaker:know and in Greg's my age it's not a
Speaker:um but uh so so there's lots of really
Speaker:fun stuff to do there so Colonial
Speaker:Williamsburg it really is history come
Speaker:to life
Speaker:so you walk through the same streets
Speaker:that are founding forefathers walked
Speaker:it's almost surreal and to be honest it
Speaker:could be difficult to grasp in one trip
Speaker:so give yourself some time if you end up
Speaker:making the trip out there but if you
Speaker:ever do make it to this historical
Speaker:Disneyland I think about everything that
Speaker:was done in those historic houses the
Speaker:taverns the late night dinners by
Speaker:candlelight and yes perhaps even
Speaker:business done during carriage rides by
Speaker:the palace green
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